
Hébergement chiens | 18-09-23
Séjour vérifié
Kiki was a great host tonight dog for a bit over a week and the pictures every day were very much appreciated!

Rio, Race croisée
Mâle, 6 ans et 11 mois
Mâle, 6 ans et 11 mois

Andrea Mara
Hébergement chiens | 06-08-23
Séjour vérifié
Graat gedaan Kiki. Thank you for your time and attention with little Timmy.

TIMMY , Bichon maltais
Mâle, 3 ans et 1
Mâle, 3 ans et 1

Garderie chiens | 30-07-23
Séjour vérifié
kiki helped us last minute and we were very thankful that he took care of maui. i can only recommend her.

Maui, Medium
Femelle, 6 ans et 9 mois
Femelle, 6 ans et 9 mois
À propos de moi
7 ans d'expérience
I find dogs are the best creature in the world.
Dear all my old friends and new dog parents, starting 2024 we will be moving to Sint-oedenrode, 15mins away from our old address in Eindhoven by car.
We have met some nice and friendly people and pet friends in this platform :) Hopefully, we will be still in touch.
Our dog Blue is a very friendly and sweet golden retriever meisje, she gets along with everybody.
Our dream is to have a big farm where we can run free and play with all our loving ones.
We will start accept booking again in February, feel free to reach out if you liked our profile.
P.S if your check out time is after 18:00, we will count it as two days instead of one night.
Looking forward to meeting you :)
Kiki, Thijs&Blue
We have met some nice and friendly people and pet friends in this platform :) Hopefully, we will be still in touch.
Our dog Blue is a very friendly and sweet golden retriever meisje, she gets along with everybody.
Our dream is to have a big farm where we can run free and play with all our loving ones.
We will start accept booking again in February, feel free to reach out if you liked our profile.
P.S if your check out time is after 18:00, we will count it as two days instead of one night.
Looking forward to meeting you :)
Kiki, Thijs&Blue
Autres compétences
Kiki s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Race croisée · Labrador Retriever · Bichon maltais · Berger allemand · Cocker anglais · Bouledogue français · Golden Retriever · Medium · Carlin · Teckel nain à poil dur
Akita Inu · Bulldog américain · American Staffordshire Terrier · Chien de berger d'Anatolie · Dogue argentin · Bandog · Boerboel · Bullmastiff · Bull Terrier · Cane Corso · Dogue des Canaries · Fila Brasileiro · Berger du Caucase · Rottweiler · Staffordshire Bull Terrier · Tosa · Berger de Russie méridionale
Kiki Identifiants
Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour:
il y a plus d'une semaine
Clients réguliers:
Délai de réponse:
dans l'heure
Taux de réponse:

Golden Retriever, Femelle
3 ans et 5 mois
Golden Retriever, Femelle
3 ans et 5 mois