
Garderie chiens | 06-02-25
Séjour vérifié
Gizem is ontzettend lief waardoor Noa zich heerlijk thuis voelt.

Noa, Race croisée
Femelle, 4 ans et 11 mois
Femelle, 4 ans et 11 mois
À propos de moi
12 ans d'expérience
Income for Stray Dogs
I have been living in the Netherlands for about two years, and during this time, I have greatly missed being around animals. Before moving here, I dedicated much of my time to caring for street dogs and providing temporary shelter for them. I currently care for two rescue dogs in Turkey: one with a disability and another rescued from a fighting background. My income primarily goes towards their care, and any surplus is used to support other stray dogs in need.
Animals have always brought so much joy and comfort into my life, and I truly cherish the bond we create. Spending time with them feels natural and fulfilling, and I look forward to helping care for them again.
Animals have always brought so much joy and comfort into my life, and I truly cherish the bond we create. Spending time with them feels natural and fulfilling, and I look forward to helping care for them again.
Autres compétences
Gizem s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Jack Russell Terrier · Race croisée · Labrador Retriever · Bichon maltais · Akita Inu · American Staffordshire Terrier · Dogue argentin · Berger australien · Terrier australien · Beagle · Chien courant bernois · Bouvier bernois · Border Collie · Border Terrier · Boxer · Cane Corso · Chihuahua · Chow-Chow · Cocker Spaniel · Dobermann · Berger allemand · Spitz nain · Caniche nain · Golden Retriever · King Charles Spaniel · Kerry Blue Terrier · Caniche moyen · Carlin · Autres races · Pékinois · Pitbull Terrier · Pointer anglais · Terrier écossais
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